What You'll Learn
- Building blocks of Financial Management
- Difference between Profit and Cash Flow
- Understanding Financial Statements
- Key Financial Ratios and their implications
- Time Value of Money
- Risk-Return trade-off
- Understanding Capital Structure
- Equity, Debt and Optimal Capital Structure
- Principles of Budgeting
- Types of Budgets and their usage
- Variance Analysis as a control tool
- The role of Budgeting in decision-making
- The decision-making process in finance
- The impact of cost of capital on investment decisions
- Working capital management strategies
- Forecasting and long-term financial planning
- Mergers and Acquisitions: Financial implications and strategies
- Corporate governance and its role in financial strategy
- Financial statement interpretation and analysis
- Effective financial planning techniques
- Importance of cash flow management
- Strategies for maintaining financial stability
- Understanding and managing financial risk
- Measuring financial performance
- Implementing cost control measures
- Advanced budgeting techniques
- Investment evaluation methods
- Interpreting and utilizing financial data
- Constructing financial models
- Strategic cost management