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Mastering Tech-Efficiency in Real Estate: Transform Your Business with ChatGPT and Automation Tools
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Further Readings for Lesson 9:Future Trends in Real Estate Technology
HiveBuddy December 12, 2024
Recommended Reading List
- The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler
- Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia by Anthony M. Townsend
- The Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust by Kevin Werbach
- The Future of Real Estate: Transforming Buildings and Cities with Intelligence by Siddharth Sood
- The Driver in the Driverless Car: How Our Technology Choices Will Create the Future by Vivek Wadhwa and Alex Salkever
- The Future Is Faster Than You Think explores how converging technologies, including those covered in this course, are transforming various industries, including real estate.
- Smart Cities delves into the impact of technology, data, and urban planning on the future of cities, shedding light on the integration of IoT and smart homes in the real estate industry.
- The Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust provides insights into the role of blockchain in transforming the way real estate transactions are conducted, enhancing transparency and security.
- The Future of Real Estate delves specifically into the future of real estate and how intelligent technologies can shape buildings and cities, offering practical examples and strategies.
- The Driver in the Driverless Car examines the broader impact of technology on society and explores the potential implications of autonomous vehicles on real estate planning and development.
Scholarly Articles
- "IoT in Real Estate: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Directions" - Published in IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- "Virtual and Augmented Reality in Real Estate: A Review of Applications and Potential Impact" - Published in Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
- "Blockchain for Real Estate: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions" - Published in Applied Sciences
- "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Real Estate: Current Applications, Challenges, and Future Perspectives" - Published in Expert Systems with Applications
- "Autonomous Vehicles and the Future of Urban Planning: Opportunities and Impacts" - Published in Futures
- The first article provides an overview of the current status, challenges, and future directions of IoT in the real estate industry, offering insights into its impact on smart homes and real estate operations.
- The second article reviews the applications and potential impact of virtual and augmented reality in real estate, discussing how these technologies reshape property showcasing and buyer experiences.
- The third article presents a systematic literature review on blockchain for real estate, analyzing the state of research and proposing future research directions in this evolving field.
- The fourth article explores the current applications, challenges, and future perspectives of artificial intelligence in real estate, shedding light on the potential for AI to transform various aspects of the industry.
- The fifth article discusses the opportunities and impacts of autonomous vehicles on urban planning, providing insights into how real estate professionals can prepare for and leverage this transportation revolution.